2025 Confirmation and 341 Hearing Date Calendar

Case Management Order

Confirmation Hearing Certificate

Tips & Tricks

Top 10 Objections to Confirmation

The e-mail address for confirmation related documents is [email protected].  Please make sure the e-mail subject line reads: The case number and debtor(s) last name. EXAMPLE:  12-34567 SMITH.

Please read Paragraph 4 of the Case Management Order regarding the consequences for failure to provide the above in a timely manner.

As soon as the complete calendar and full list of cases are available, the Trustee’s office will send out confirmation hearing status conference scheduling details and telephonic conference phone numbers and participant codes via e-mail to attorneys.  If you are not currently receiving these e-mails and would like to be added to the attorney e-mail list serve or you would like to be removed from the attorney e-mail list serve, please click here.

Once a tentative schedule for confirmation hearings has been provided, there may be schedule changes to accommodate additional hearings.  However, attorney times as listed here will not change.

Also, under the miscellaneous hearings the word “PENDING” indicates there are objections to claims that are pending because objections have not been withdrawn, no CNR filed or the objection time has not run. The cases may resolve before the hearing date.

Confirmation Hearing Schedule Information


  • 9:00 AM – Confirmation status conferences begin in hearing rooms with hearing officers.  Trustee will schedule status conferences by attorney at 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 A.M.  Those cases not resolved will be heard in front of Judge Applebaum at 1:00 P.M.
  • 9:00 AM – Motion to dismiss status conferences begin in the Courtroom with hearing officers.  Those cases not resolved will be heard in front of Judge Applebaum before the 11:00 AM Miscellaneous Hearings begin.
  • 11:00 AM – Miscellaneous Hearings with Judge Applebaum.
  • 1:30 PM – Contested confirmation matters with Judge Applebaum.  Includes all confirmation issues not resolved at the status conferences.

To the extent all matters are resolved or agreed to by the parties before the hearing date and electronic copies of the appropriate orders are delivered to the Trustee timely, the Trustee will submit the orders to the Court and Attorneys will not be required to appear at the status conference or the contested hearing.

Any Attorney who fails to submit the confirmation hearing statement and the proposed order of confirmation no less than 6 days prior to the confirmation hearing must appear before Court to explain the delinquency.

Click on the date of the hearing:

March 18th, 2025 Attorney Cases

March 18th, 2025 Attorney Times