341 Meeting of Creditor Meetings will be held via Zoom starting October 24th, 2023 for the Flint Chapter 13 Trustee’s office
We will be officially moving to Zoom 341 Meeting of Creditors commencing with the call held on 10/24/2023. Please be patient with us while we transition to this new mode of operation. Please make sure you are working with your debtors to assist them in successfully navigating the process. It may be easiest to have the debtors come to your office for the 341 Meetings.
Here are some practice pointers for a successful meeting to share with your debtors:
- Encourage your debtors to test access via zoom in advance of the meeting to work out any technical issues.
- Make sure they are aware they should be getting into the zoom meeting 10-15 minutes prior to their hearing time.
- Absolutely no documents may be displayed to the camera. Identification (legible unredacted pictured ID and Social security card) should be uploaded to the BK docs portal 14 days prior to the meeting date.
- No audio or video recording of the meetings is allowed.
- The debtors should be located in a quiet area where they will not be disturbed while attending the meeting.
- When logging in, ask the debtor to use his/her first and last name in the “Your Name” field under the meeting id box.
- For further information, visit https://www.justice.gov/ust/moc
Here are some responsibilities you have as the debtor’s counsel:
- At least 14 days prior to the 341 meeting the attorney should send clear unredacted copies of the ID Documents to the trustee in a safe and secure fashion. This should be thru our secure portal, BKDocs and uploaded under the document type “SS Verification/Photo identification”. Copies of the ID Documents should not be sent to the trustee by unprotected email or messaging.
- Make sure your debtor has the Zoom login information(provided below) if they are not planning on attending the meeting with you in your office.
Meeting ID: 741 812 1144
Passcode: 8079024454
For more information for you and your debtors, please visit :https://www.justice.gov/ust/moc
*For Creditors, please put creditor in the name field when you log into the zoom meeting please.
Please email questions to [email protected]
Stipulation & Order to Adjourn
As we move to Zoom hearings, we will continue with the on-going effort to make the 341 hearings more efficient for everyone, the Chapter 13 Trustee has assigned times for the 341 hearings. See below for the next scheduled 341 hearing times. Hearing times are at the far left column. We hope this will be a more efficient use of your time and the Trustee’s staff’s time at 341 Hearings. This document is organized by hearing officers.
February 4th, 2025 Hearings (pdf)
U.S Bankruptcy Court Notices
Language Assistance Program(LAP)
The Language Assistance Program provides for the implementation of telephone interpreter services at the §341 meeting for debtors with limited English proficiency. Conference speaker phones have been distributed to all leased §341 meeting rooms. At this time, the service is readily available, free of charge. Please let your trustee know if you need the Language Assistance Program at least 5 days prior to the §341 meeting.